Anglican Fellowship of Prayer
Our Prayer group meets at 9:00am till 10:00am on Wednesdays. We have worked our way through Richard Foster”s books on Prayer, and Streams of Living Water as Well as Joyce Huggetts book Listening to God. We pray using A.C.T.S for our community and those on our hearts.
Bible Study Group

Our Bible studies are held every Wednesday from 10:00am until Noon. They are lively and well attended with guests from other churches and denominations joining us from time to time. There are no wrong questions and we have fun as we learn about God’s great story and how we are invited to share in it.
Equipping Adult Education
We have studied our giftedness and uniqueness as God’s people through the LifeKeys course that showed us individually: who we are, why we are here, what we do best, what we are passionate about, what we value and what are our priorities. We followed this with the “How to be a Contagious Christian” video, book and practical course that taught us several methods of comfortably sharing our faith with others.
Music Ministry
We are blessed to have a regular organist and two other parishioners who are also gifted to play our organ when holidays occur. Our Joyful Noise group play, when they are able, for our Prayer and Praise services and at our Morning Prayer services.

Our Juniors group welcomes children between the ages of 6 and 12. We meet weekly after school to develop our relationship with God and our church community. There are snacks, crafts, and games and we are excited to help at the Annual Bake Sales and Teas.
We have a team of parishioners who take turns in greeting everyone as they arrive at church and make them welcome.
We have several parishioners who take turns to read the scriptures in church. They take a week at a time and read the Old Testament, Psalm and Epistles.
We have several parishioners who lead the Prayers of the People during both Morning Prayer and Holy Eucharist from the Book of Alternative services. These include the diocesan prayers, local ones on our bulletin and intercessions from “Prayers for the Church Year” by David Adams.
Anglican Church Women
St. Mary's ACW seeks to show God's love to everyone in our church and community, especially women, as we work towards doing God's will.We encourage prayer life, listening to one another, learning, fellowship and service. We share Christmas cheer packages with widows and seniors in our community.

Fun Ladies Night Out Themes:
Beach PartySpa Night Bee Blessed Green Thumb Gardening Clean Sweep - spring cleaning tips for our home, body & spirit
Fun 1/2 hour guest speakers on "howto do" before our meetings:
- Knife Chopping Skills
- Rose Bowl Christmas Flower Arranging
- Safe Stretches & Exercises for Seniors
- Scarf Tying
- Birding Decorating
- Christmas Porch Pots
- Speaker on his mission trip to Uganda
- Rice Paper & Veggie Wraps & Dips
- Olive Oil Farming & Olive Oil Tasting
When possible we go out once a month for lunch to various restaurants in Maple Creek, and have a Christmas Pot Luck Supper in December.
For all of theses events, all members of St. Mary's are invited and encouraged to come and join us in the fun and fellowship.
Currently, we meet via Zoom on the 1st Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. (excluding July and August).We look forward to the time when we will be able to meet again, face to face, in the Parish Hall.Membership is open to all Anglican women.
Contact Information: Coralie Wiebe, ACW President, 306-662-2830
Altar Guild
Our Altar guild meet 4 times a year for worship, fellowship, to chat with the priest and to share out responsibilities for ensuring that the sanctuary and church are prepared for worship each week.